...let me begin... Packing and moving, that is. =) A storage facility has been rented and the first of many boxes moved into it! Yay! =) This photo was taken during the truck unloading portion of my last real move- from Atlanta to Seattle- a reenactment of which I am trying desperately to avoid. As my mom, Kevin, and Chween can attest, the Atlanta segment of the move was completely disastrous! I won't go into great detai
l, but it involved many vehicles, including Kevin's truck, a rented moving truck, and a giant semi truck. (I have to use the word "truck" while I still can- I hear they don't have those in the UK!) It also involved collecting my effects from a second-floor storage unit (sans elevator), my mom's house, a friend's house, my own house, and from Target! (That's where my Vespa was living.) Add to that the excavation and toilsome removal of many boxes from a dark, moldy, 100-degree, mosquito-infested basement where most of my clothing had deteriorated into kind of a stringy, black liquid and many of my other belongings had similarly decomposed, and you begin to get the picture. We all worked until literally delirious, and there were at least two nights when I never went to sleep at all. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the people involved in that torturous experience- without their help I would surely have fallen asleep during loading and been shipped across America in the back of a semi loaded with all of my stuff and 30 tons of cat food or diapers. I'd also like to assure all of those kind souls that their services shall not be called upon for this move or any other laborious and time-sensitive project with which I might become involved in the future. In an effort to avoid a repetition of 2003's Moving Mayhem, I have already begun work and intend to have everything done on time and without the suffering of any of my dear friends and relatives! (Though to be completely honest, I wouldn't refuse any volunteers!) I have 30 days until I'm on a plane out of Seattle and there is much to be done, so back to work I go! =) Let the moving begin! =)

I was trying to permanently block those moving memories! I found one of those mosquito-repelling doo-dahs the other day...
Sorry to bring it up again- it was a painful time for all of us. =/ (Except for the mosquitos who had a fine time feasting on our blood in the basement. Those repelling things really didn't do anything, did they?)
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