This is Sebastian. He lives in Atlanta with our adorable friends Tara and Bill. He's looking at you that way because he knows that you haven't been flossing. Don't ask me how he knows; he just does. He thinks you should accept resposibility and start flossing.

This is Chween. Chween and her husband Nate live in Orlando, Florida, where she is studying acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Chween is saying, "Even me, Sebastian? But my teeth are so pretty! Look! Do I have to floss, too?" Sebastian says yes. Even the Chween must floss.
This is me. I am smiling because I went to the dentist today and had a cleaning and exam and I have no cavities! Along with flossing, I found out that it is very important to have one's teeth cleaned. I went online and found a list of the Top Ten Reasons to Have a Dental Cleaning for your perusal. =) Sebastian and Chween both think you should read it. =) Me, I don't care at all. Let your teeth fall out. See if I care. (Okay, I care! Read it!)
YOU LIE! You are not smiling because you have no cavities, you are smiling because you love playing with your straightened hair!
Aah!!!!! Udon noodles!
*the sky is falling, the sky is falling*
Nice hair.
Okay, I lie... But it's the only picture I could find! Anyway I'm going to get my noodles cut again today- there won't be much left for me to play with! :o (Is Andy being nice or sarcastic?)
How short shall ye noodles be then? Hmm? Will they be more like Macaroni Elbows??
Actually, yes! As it happens, the back is totally macaroni elbows, but the front is still the regular noodles. =) Mmmm... I'm hungry...
I was being NICE!!!
I need a picture of your new noodles!!
Thanks, Andyloo! I forget that you are always nice! =) Soon I won't be able to forget because I'll be LIVING IN ENGLAND and seeing you all the time! =) I have yet to style my hair myself, but once I do I'll post pix! =)
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