Friday, March 16, 2007

Sometimes I Jog

It is common knowledge that I am quite sporty. I mean, sometimes I ski, sometimes I play tennis or badminton, sometimes I toss a frisbee around, and sometimes I do a little yoga. And by "sometimes" I mean that I have participated in each of the aforementioned activities at least twice in my adult life. But as of four o'clock this afternoon I can now proclaim to the world (with a straight face) that sometimes I jog. That's right- I'm a jogger. Until today, I felt that any kind of running or jogging could only be appropriate if something either wild or rabid (or both!) were chasing me and looking hungry. Or if I were wild and/or rabid and hungry. Or if I were a greyhound. But there I was, in my track pants and t-shirt, iPod in hand, having a brisk and satisfying walk around Green Lake, when I was overcome by the urge to go faster! Now, normally I might have been stopped by the nagging voices in my head reminding me that I am indeed not a greyhound and that I would look ridiculous flailing around in public and running from nothing. But I took a moment, looked around me, and realised that everyone else looked ridiculous, too! There were people in mismatched, sweaty 1980's gym gear, fanny packs galore, and parts of people that one might rather not notice jiggling all over the place! And though most people did look a little bit silly running around in circles in the out-of-doors in unforgivable tiny running shorts and appalling man-tights and other atrocities of Spandex, they also looked fit and thin! And that was the deciding moment. I realised that if I ever wanted to be able to leave the house in entire outfits made of synthetic stretch fibres and feel good about myself I would have to take the plunge. I decided that no matter the length of the next song on my iPod I was going to jog for an entire song. Midway through I really wanted to give up, but I persevered! I finished the song out of breath and with red hot cheeks, but I made it! It was a grueling 2 minutes and 16 seconds. But I felt like a champion. =) I took all of that excitement and channeled it into a couple more small jogging spurts during my hour-long walk. I felt triumphant. And fit and thin. =) And ready to do it again. =) Anyone up for a jog on Sunday? =)

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Kass said...

You must be ill, all that exercise! Crazy noodles!

Sarah said...

I know! I don't know what's come over me, but I plan to do it again tomorrow! :o Crazy Noodles!

Gordon Simpson said...

She's been possessed by a chicken? Holy Cow!

Kass said...

Yes a demon chicken!

Barbara said...

Where did I go wrong? MY child...jogging? Stop the madness!!

Sarah said...

I looove to jog! Bok bok!!!