Okay, so I can't say which city I'll be off to specifically, but I can say that I'm moving to England!!! Plans have been made, tickets purchased, and luggage upgraded for the journey. =) The plan is as follo
ws: I leave Seattle on the 1st of May to spend a couple of days chez Barbara in sunny Atlanta- snuggling with Rocky, perhaps going to Costco to find an industrial-sized bag of Mrs. May's Almond Crunch before I leave the Colonies... Then I head off to scenic Gatwick airport on the 5th of May on BA, official airline of my last trip to England. (Last time they fed me Indian food! I have already requested my vegan meal and hope for something equally delicious this time!) I arrive the 6th of May at 7:30am, and I'm not sure what the plans are from there! (More details as they become available.) I'll be back in the states shortly thereafter, though, because my mom and Kevin are getting married in June! =) (More details as they become available.) So there you have it- I'm moving somewhere in the UK and basically all I know so far is what date I get there. But it's more fun that way. =) I do like an adventure. =) And there's nothing to fear- my adorable boyfriend Gordon and delightful friend Andy await me there with the experience and expertise in London living to answer all of my questions, such as: What is a barrister? Are bange
rs and mash vegan? How do you get to be the Queen Mum? (That one's for my mom. She really wants to be the Queen Mum.) What is brown sauce made of? Should I have my aubergine, swede, rocket, and courgette sandwich on a bap? With chips or crisps? Can I eat that on the tube? (Blimey! What am I on about? That sandwich sounds like total pants!) Should we hire a pantechnicon lorry if we need to move our hoover down the motorway to our new flat, or will it fit in the boot of a saloon car? What if we can't get it through the Rory or up the apples? What if I haven't got the bees to pay me Burton? Does the drain water go anti-clockwise? What is orange squash? Does Colin Firth live near here? (Gordon Bennett! That's a lot of questions!) But I'm sure that all of these and more shall be answered in time. (More details as they become available.) Until then, cheerio! =)

FYI - its looking very likely that you will be residing in Nottingham, providing you are still intending to reside with me, that is ;)
How exciting! All the new and brilliant things you'll find and learn to love! Ah, England :)
PS: Have the crisps, the chips are shite, gov. And you can do ANYTHING, but talk to strangers on the Tube. People look at you funny ify ou do that, like you're some sort of freak *shrugs*
Yay for Nottingham! (And BIG yay for residing with G!) I understand that the sheriff there presented a few problems in days of yore, but it sounds like the place has come a long way. =) Right- I did learn the no talking on the tube rule when I was there in 2002, but only after I had met quite a few people on it! I'm sure they all thought I'd gone barmy! (Look- I'm so British!) Anyhoo, look at you, cutie short-hair Kass! Whoo hoo!
Well, while you're finding the answers to all your questions, can you also find out what the hell a henge actuall IS (tot or stone, doesn't matter)??? I'd 'preciate it.
Too many questions, too little time but just a couple of points...
In my whole life in England I have NEVER heard anybody use the word "pantechnicon" (apart from you or Mark asking me about it)!
Kass - the chips aren't shite if you know where to go (Chris' Fish and Chips on Turnham Green for example).
And Sarah's mom, sadly you could never be the queen mum because you'd need to have given birth to Prince William for that to happen. If Sarah marries William you could be the Queen Mother-In-Law which I'm sure would be just as fun. As for a henge, who knows?!
Oh - just another thing, if you live in Nottingham you'll be fine talking to people on tublic transport - that rule is exclusive to London only!
But pantechnicon is my favourite British word! Suely you won't take that away from me! Besides, didn't you say you read it in a book once? Yes, Gordon was aware of Barbara Wiegmann's evil plan to make me marry the prince, which is why he is whisking me away to Nottingham! My hero! :) (He claims to have found a good job, but really he's working in a chip shop there just to get me far away from William. Don't tell Barbara.)
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