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LOTR, baby!
Okay, I was wrong. Five years ago when I tried to watch The Lord of the Rings I was tired and I couldn't really follow the plot. I got bored, so I turned it off and went to bed. And for the five years since I have been mercilessly mocked. When I have told people I didn't like it, asking them to keep in mind the fact that I had never read the books, they have scoffed at my lack of taste. I didn't say it was bad, really, just not interesting- a very unpopular point of view. But as I grow older and ever wiser, I realise the importance of flexibility. While some might consider it a sign
of strength to take a stand- to form an opinion and then to stick by it no matter what, I completely disagree. I find it far more admirable to be open to new ideas- to be flexible, to evolve, to allow one's opinions to change in light of new information. And thus I freely admit that I was wrong. (Do you admire me now?) I watched the first film again last week, and it was good. Quite good. This time, instead of thinking, "why does this short dude have to take this ring everywhere?" I had Gordon to explain some things to me. I feel that I am a reasonably intelligent person- generally capable of following the plot of a blockbuster movie, but some of the details in this one are never really
explained in a satisfactory way, and I am not one to be impressed or distracted by big battle scenes and a whole lot of special effects. I need to understand what's going on. So with the Gordon Commentary switched on it all made much more sense, and I found that it was really quite good. =) Then we rented the other two movies and had ourselves a nice little hobbity marathon. It was excellent. =) I must be off- it's coming up on elevenses and this hobbit is getting hungry. =) Mmmm... elf bread. =)
Hmmm... now maybe you can give "Moulin Rouge" another try! ;) I LOVE that movie!
Maybe I need to have the "Gordon Commentary" switched on, too, to enjoy Lord of the Rings...
Unfortunately it only ships with region 2 DVDs at present ;)
No, no. I already tried "Moulin Rouge" again. I think it may have been even worse the second time! :o I hate it! :o (But I do respect those who do not share my distaste- you, Kass, Cupcake...)
Does that mean you hated the place we had our wedding? =0
No, no... Ewan MacGregor was able to refrain from singing at your wedding, so it was good. ;)
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